Our projects

In addition, we run the website of the project “Susannchen braucht keine Globuli” (“Susanna doesn’t need globules” – currently only in German). It is meant as a “family site” of the Information Network Homeopathy, which wants to convey the awareness that there is no need for pseudomedicine to grow up healthy and to take care of family health.

Visit Susannchen’s website and browse through the spectrum of topics that has been extended beyond homeopathy – for example, including topics of vaccinating,  animal health and more!

In addition, the Homeopathy Information Network operates the Homöopedia, a lexical compilation of professional articles on homeopathy with a scientific claim, which are indispensable for all those who want to inform themselves in detail about historical connections, scientific facts and the objective evaluation of homeopathic methods and theses. The contributions are source-based and subject to a peer review process.

For medical practices, which want to inform their patients because there is no Homeopathy in their practice, we offer an Information flyer for Download and also for free order of print copies (against refund of postage and packaging). On the same page you can also download the beautiful Susannchen-Memes for free. Maybe to integrate into your own website?

Globules for cold? No, thanks!