For science-based critics of homeopathy, the year 2024 was marked by considerable successes, but also by remarkable challenges. The work of the Information Network Homeopathy (INH) has once again helped to sharpen the public and professional discourse on homeopathy and to critically examine its foundations.
Successes in 2024
A particular success was the decision of the 128th German Medical Association to evaluate homeopathy as ‘generally incompatible with a modern understanding of medical practice and with medical ethical principles’. This decision marks a milestone in the discourse on the role of homeopathy in healthcare and in particular in the attitude of the medical profession towards homeopathy. The INH contributed to the preparation and argumentative justification of this decision. Of course, we do not expect that as if by magic homeopathy will disappear from medical and clinical practice as a result of this decision, but the decision can and should be understood as a mandate to the medical profession and in particular to the German Medical Association to work consistently towards this and to exert their political influence accordingly.
The intention of Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach to remove homeopathy as a statutory benefit of the statutory health insurance funds should also be emphasised. The second draft of the Health Care Strengthening Act (GVSG) contained clear provisions in this regard. Although this provision was no longer included in the third draft due to political resistance, this initiative remains an important step that has underlined the social and political relevance of the issue.
Another noteworthy success was the consistent position of the Baden-Württemberg State Medical Association. Despite considerable political opposition from the state government, which had probably exceeded its powers of legal supervision in some cases, the State Medical Association succeeded in its decision to delete homeopathy from the further training regulations. This success shows that it is possible to make and implement scientifically sound decisions even under difficult political conditions. The State Medical Association has shown great staying power in this regard and created an important counterweight that makes it clear that political pressure does not necessarily have to lead to the preservation of homeopathy-friendly positions.
Setbacks and challenges
The biggest setback was undoubtedly the 3rd draft of the GVSG, in which the deletion of homeopathy from the SGB V was no longer planned. This setback illustrates the continuing political hurdles when it comes to changes in the field of homeopathy. The lack of political enforceability remains a central challenge, especially against the background of the current political situation and the upcoming elections, which make the prospects for reintroducing the homeopathy issue into the political agenda rather bleak.
Outlook and future strategies
Despite these hurdles, the INH remains committed to its primary mission: to provide broad education about the errors and myths of homeopathy and its untenable anchoring in social perception. It will be necessary to develop new strategies beyond those used so far to reach the public and political decision-makers even more effectively.
A particular focus will be on further strengthening social acceptance of science-based medicine and also on finding ways to overcome political resistance. The success of the Baden-Württemberg State Medical Association could serve as an inspiring example here.
The year 2024 has shown that progress is possible, but only through persistence, scientific clarity and strong cooperation. The INH will continue to pursue this course with determination in the coming year as well, within the scope of its possibilities. Our material and human resources cannot compete with those of the homeopathy lobby – but our expertise and our independence can. We would like to thank all members, supporters and followers of the INH, many of whom have been loyal to us for nine years!
Picture credits: Picture by u_n898l6o2op on Pixabay
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