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Welcome! We’re pleased about your visit!

We appreciate your visit to our website and your desire to take a different look at homeopathy! It is our concern to inform you properly about homeopathy. Because we are convinced that – especially in matters of health – you can only make beneficial, self-responsible decisions on the basis of correct and complete information.

A well-founded look
on homeopathy

Homeopathy has been hotly disputed ever since it was first developed over 200 years ago. For some, it is a beneficial healing method that should complement modern medicine and, according to some, even be preferable to it. For others, it is no more than a form of therapy from pre-scientific times, whose basic assumptions are based on concepts that have proven to be inaccurate from today’s perspective and are therefore outdated. This is why it seems impossible that the method has any particular effectiveness. In this often very emotional discussion, we would like to offer you the necessary factual orientation on our website.

The knowledge about what homeopathy really is and how to classify it is in inverse proportion to its popularity. We would like to help change this. Not because we want to influence or even patronize you – our aim is information and education, without which there can be no responsible own patient decision.

Our offer: We clarify,
you have the choice!

Under the menu topic “About us” you will find information about the Information Network Homeopathy, its intentions and goals and its supporters.  From there you can also access our basic programme, the “Freiburg Declaration on Homeopathy“. In this statement you will find out how we position ourselves in the public discourse on homeopathy.

Would you like to know more precisely what homeopathy is all about? Visit our online encyclopedia “Homöopedia” (in German) for more detailed information according to scientific standards.

Our family page “Susannchen braucht keine Globuli” (Susanna needs no globules, in German) offers a wide range of information, also beyond the subject of homeopathy, which is intended to convey our conviction that there is no need for pseudo-medicine to ensure a healthy family life. We have summarized our demands to decision-makers in politics and the health sector succinctly on our #Globukalypse website (in German).

Take advantage of our information offer!
Learn more about homeopathy and the facts behind.

Our last articles:

We are at your disposal for any questions!
Please write to us under!

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Briefly stated

Here you will find specialist articles on individual questions of homeopathy, which are intended to give you a generally understandable insight into the broad field of arguments and thus enable you to make a more well-founded own judgement on homeopathy. Browse or search for explanations that you have always been looking for! You can also use the search function (in the menu bar, also on the article sites).

You can access the “Briefly stated” articles via the menu or this link. You can also use our keyword search in the menu bar! You will always find the links to the three most recently published articles here:

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