About us – who we are, what we strive for

Reading time: 5 min

The introductory picture shows raised hands symbolizing togetherness in a common thing.

We are committed to honest medicine and fair education about homeopathy. Because only complete and correct information is the basis for your choice and your independent decision as a patient – for or against homeopathy. We do not want to deprive you of this choice, on the contrary: we want to help you make it informed and responsible.

We are not simply “against homeopathy”, we have a positive goal: we care about your health and also about honesty within medicine. We do not want false claims about homeopathy to unsettle you and harm you and your children.

The information network Homeopathy is a free association of more than 60 experts of different specialisations, biographies and ideologies. It unites the intention to create a counterweight to the massive misinformation on homeopathy in the public with objective and well-founded education. Each of us has experience with homeopathy – be it on the user or critic side or both. The positions we represent are the result of many years of intensive study of the problem area of homeopathy. We do not lead a prejudice-driven “crusade”, but carry out humanistic motivated educational and consumer protection work to the best of our knowledge and belief.

We don’t want to keep quiet any longer about:

  • that patients are misinformed or inadequately informed and believe false healing promises that can lead to health damage;
  • that research is endorsed which has no effect whatsoever on homeopathic treatment practice – and which only serves the one purpose of deluding the patient of that homeopathy has a sound scientific foundation and that one would be close to finding proof that mere sugar balls can have specific effects;
  • that prospective physicians at universities learn pseudoscientific contents such as repertories and the principle of potentiation, which contradicts physics. That we are training a generation of doctors of whom we no longer even know whether they even know that homeopathic remedies are placebos;
  • that gut feeling and clean scientific evidence-based methodology are presented as equally valid detection methods for determining the risk/benefit ratio of medical procedures and that mere opinions and wishful thinking are presented as equivalent to scientific methodology and facts.

After more than six years of educational work on homeopathy and an ongoing public discourse, we see the need to present and justify our concrete demands to the decision-makers in politics and health care. We are doing this on our website on “Project Globucalypse” (in German).

Statement on Transparency

As a free body of the Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften e.V. (GWUP), we are affiliated with it for organizational reasons and are associated with it in the objective of science-based consumer and patient education, but are independent of it in terms of content and personnel. There is no need for INH members to be members of the GWUP. Some of us are GWUP members, others are not. We see our work as scientfic-based education and enlightenment as well as a contribution to active consumer protection.

We cover necessary material expenses, e.g. for our websites, solely from donations and co-financing from our partner GWUP. Everyone involved in the INH bears the personal costs of their work themselves. No one receives any remuneration for their work. We do not receive any grants or subsidies from private or state organizations. None of us has any advantage or disadvantage whether you personally decide for or against the use of homeopathy.

We are committed to a factual and verifiable line of argument, our rules for the public discourse you will find here. We also encounter people who do not share our point of view, with personal respect and with due esteem, even if this is not the case in the other direction.

We are at your disposal for any questions! Please use the contact possibilities given in the imprint or directly at info@netzwerk-homoeopathie.info.

More about the Information Network Homeopathy

You can find out more about our position in our Freiburg Declaration on Homeopathy.

A list of our supporters you can find here.

Information about further projects of the INH we offer here.

We are pleased that you want to inform yourself at INH! Welcome to our website!

On behalf of the Information Network Homeopathy:

Prof. Dr. Jutta Hübner

Prof. Dr. Jutta Hübner,
Scientific Advisor

More about Prof. Dr. Jutta Hübner

Dr. Ing. Norbert Aust, Initiator und Sprecher des INH

Dr.-Ing. Norbert Aust,
Initiator and Spokesperson

More about Dr.-Ing. Norbert Aust

Dr. med. Christian W. Lübbers

Dr. Christian W. Lübbers, Spokesperson

More about Dr. med. Christian W. Lübbers

Udo Endruscheit

Udo Endruscheit, Spokesperson

More about Udo Endruscheit

Dr. Natalie Grams
Dr. Natalie Grams, former Head of the INH (2016 to 2020)
More about Dr. Natalie Grams
