Continue reading "Infinite Stories – once again to the Australian NHMRC’s 2015 review on homeopathy"
Homeopathic study: The legend of the five times eight rats
Continue reading "Homeopathic study: The legend of the five times eight rats"
Glasses, dentures and homeopathy – The role of German statutory health insurances
Continue reading "Glasses, dentures and homeopathy – The role of German statutory health insurances"
Greeting of the patient representative to the Hahnemannia – further open letter with 52 signatories by name
Open letter of the INH to the government’s patient representative on the occasion of the greeting message on the 150th birthday of Hahnemannia
France: In the fast lane in the case of homeopathy
Continue reading "France: In the fast lane in the case of homeopathy"
Study from Oxford on “Best Practice” of homeopathic doctors
Continue reading "Study from Oxford on “Best Practice” of homeopathic doctors"
France: Doctors’ collective #FakeMed – a crystal-clear statement on pseudomedicine
Alles klar mit SocialMedia – oder nicht… ?
Continue reading "Alles klar mit SocialMedia – oder nicht… ?"
A dialogue and its end – (no) discussion about homeopathy…
Continue readingA dialogue and its end - (no) discussion about homeopathy...
Alternative practitioners on pharmacy-only obligation and labelling of homeopathic remedies – a statement of the INH
Open letter of the INH to the Siemens health insurance company (SBK)
Continue reading "Open letter of the INH to the Siemens health insurance company (SBK)"
Criticism on criticism on Homeopathy #1: “There is no evidence”
Continue reading "Criticism on criticism on Homeopathy #1: “There is no evidence”"
Criticism on criticism on Homeopathy #2: “Missing positive trials”
Continue reading "Criticism on criticism on Homeopathy #2: “Missing positive trials”"
Criticism on criticism on homeopathy #3 – “Homeopathy is impossible”
Continue reading "Criticism on criticism on homeopathy #3 – “Homeopathy is impossible”"
Criticism on criticism on homeopathy – #4: “They’re just sugar pills!”
Continue reading "Criticism on criticism on homeopathy – #4: “They’re just sugar pills!”"
German Homeopathic Doctors on EASAC Statement: An Answer from the INH
Continue reading "German Homeopathic Doctors on EASAC Statement: An Answer from the INH"
“High dilution research” – relevance or not?
Continue reading "“High dilution research” – relevance or not?"
Negative Fälle: In die Psychose getrieben
Continue reading "Negative Fälle: In die Psychose getrieben"
Negative Fälle: Autoimmunerkrankung, die fast zum Tode führte
Continue reading "Negative Fälle: Autoimmunerkrankung, die fast zum Tode führte"
Europe-wide reactions to the EASAC statement – Natalie Grams at
Continue readingEurope-wide reactions to the EASAC statement - Natalie Grams at
Open letter of the INH to the interview with Dr. Tournier (HRI) on “Homöopathie online”.
On homeopathy cost studies: Nothing is always too expensive
Continue reading "On homeopathy cost studies: Nothing is always too expensive"
Study uncovers: With alternative medicine many cancer patients die earlier than necessary!
No Side Effects vs Homeopathic Drug Testing – what’s wrong?
Continue reading "No Side Effects vs Homeopathic Drug Testing – what’s wrong?"
Homeopathy – material or immaterial?
Naturalness reconsidered – Why babies don’t need globules
Continue reading "Naturalness reconsidered – Why babies don’t need globules"
Homeopathy as “refugee aid” – a medical and ethical problem!
Continue reading "Homeopathy as “refugee aid” – a medical and ethical problem!"
Conversation in medicine
Dead child in Italy: Homeopathic doctors association sees “individual medical malpractice”
Nocebo – what’s that again?
What is the Placebo effect and what are Context effects?
Continue reading "What is the Placebo effect and what are Context effects?"
INH’s statement on NHMRC
Negative Fälle – Fast Baby verloren
Open letter of the information network homeopathy to the statutory health insurance “Die Techniker” (TK)
Happened afterwards, but not because of it
Continue reading "Happened afterwards, but not because of it"
German Association of Homeopathic Doctors vs. Russian Academies of Science
Continue readingGerman Association of Homeopathic Doctors vs. Russian Academies of Science
Placebo by proxy – what does that mean?
Open letter to the German Federal Ministry of Health on the patronage of the World Congress of Homoeopathic Physicians 2017 by State Secretary A. Widmann-Mauz
“Homeopathy is Pseudoscience” – Memorandum of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Continue reading"Homeopathy is Pseudoscience" - Memorandum of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Is mighty “BigPharma” suppressing Homeopathy…?
Continue reading "Is mighty “BigPharma” suppressing Homeopathy…?"
Objection: Homeopathy is Ancient Wisdom!
Homeopathy toothpaste – why that?
On the developments in the USA and the demands of the FTC
Continue reading "On the developments in the USA and the demands of the FTC"
Open letter of the INH and the science advice of the GWUP to the “Lecture Series Homeopathy” of the Munich University
Homeopathic Remedies for Teething Problems
Continue reading "Homeopathic Remedies for Teething Problems"
On the homeopathy dispute on Wikipedia
Minister defends the protective fence for homeopathy – INH in response to the Open Letter to the Ministry of Health (2016)
A brief overview of the life of Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy
Continue reading "A brief overview of the life of Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy"
But health insurance companies wouldn’t pay for ineffective drugs!
Continue reading "But health insurance companies wouldn’t pay for ineffective drugs!"
Rechte und Pflichten von Heilpraktikern – ein Debattenbeitrag aus Sicht des INH
Continue reading "Rechte und Pflichten von Heilpraktikern – ein Debattenbeitrag aus Sicht des INH"
Objection: But homeopathy and naturopathy are identical!
Continue readingObjection: But homeopathy and naturopathy are identical!
What about Schuessler Salts?
Objection: Homeopathy is especially suitable for self-treatment!
Continue reading "Objection: Homeopathy is especially suitable for self-treatment!"
Objection: Potentiated means stronger!?!
But homeopathy is a holistic method, in contrast to “orthodox medicine”! – Isn’t it?
What are Bach Flower Remedies anyway?
Objection: But animal homeopathy still works!
Continue reading "Objection: But animal homeopathy still works!"
Objection: Globules are much better than antibiotics anyway!
Continue reading "Objection: Globules are much better than antibiotics anyway!"
Globules are natural and plant-based – really?
Continue reading "Globules are natural and plant-based – really?"
Objection: Theoretically bumble bees can’t fly either!
Continue reading "Objection: Theoretically bumble bees can’t fly either!"
Objection: Mobile phones also function immaterially during data transmission!
Continue reading "Objection: Mobile phones also function immaterially during data transmission!"
Objection: CDs also store information!
Hahnemann’s Organon – Fundamental Work of Homeopathy
Continue reading "Hahnemann’s Organon – Fundamental Work of Homeopathy"
Declaration of the INH on the publication of WissHom: “The current state of research on homeopathy”
Homoeopathy in Switzerland – the background to its reimbursement by the health insurance funds
Prinz Charles und die Homöopathie (United Kingdom)
Continue reading "Prinz Charles und die Homöopathie (United Kingdom)"
Homeopathy helps – as a ritual
Was hinter einer “positiven Studie” von Homöopathen steckt – ein Beispiel
Continue reading "Was hinter einer “positiven Studie” von Homöopathen steckt – ein Beispiel"
The “But homeopathy did help me!” fallacy
Warum ich meinen Kindern keine Globuli gebe
Negative Fälle – Hörschäden nach Mittelohrentzündung
Continue reading "Negative Fälle – Hörschäden nach Mittelohrentzündung"
Homeopathy: Individuality vs. Confusion of Symptoms
Continue reading "Homeopathy: Individuality vs. Confusion of Symptoms"
The Placebo Business
Scientific medicine and homeopathy – why they can’t work together
Continue reading "Scientific medicine and homeopathy – why they can’t work together"
Negative Fälle – Qualvoll an Knochenkrebs verstorben
Continue reading "Negative Fälle – Qualvoll an Knochenkrebs verstorben"
Negative Fälle – Mit Brustkrebs verhungert
Continue reading "Negative Fälle – Mit Brustkrebs verhungert"
About pharmacy obligation and Latin names of homeopathic remedies
Continue readingAbout pharmacy obligation and Latin names of homeopathic remedies
What does physics say about homeopathy? (And why does it have something to say about it?)
Why people like to believe in homeopathy
How homeopathy overrides common sense
Why do we call homeopathy pseudo- and no longer alternative medicine?
Continue reading "Why do we call homeopathy pseudo- and no longer alternative medicine?"
FAQ 19 – Do you want to “ban” homeopathy?
Continue reading "FAQ 19 – Do you want to “ban” homeopathy?"
Miasms in homeopathy
Science and scientific studies in medicine and pseudo-medicine
Continue reading "Science and scientific studies in medicine and pseudo-medicine"
Homeopathy is Esotericism
Does homeopathy need a unique position in the Medicines Act?
Continue readingDoes homeopathy need a unique position in the Medicines Act?
Negative Fälle: Natürliche Windpockenqual
Continue reading "Negative Fälle: Natürliche Windpockenqual"
Ist Dynamisierung/Potenzierung etwas anderes als Verdünnung?
Continue reading "Ist Dynamisierung/Potenzierung etwas anderes als Verdünnung?"
Negative Fälle: Ganzheitlich ohne Diagnose
Continue reading "Negative Fälle: Ganzheitlich ohne Diagnose"
FAQ 05 – Why does homeopathy not work?
FAQ 08 – It also helps with children and animals – they can’t imagine the effect!
Continue reading "FAQ 08 – It also helps with children and animals – they can’t imagine the effect!"
FAQ 04 – How can the “effect” of homeopathy be explained?
Continue reading "FAQ 04 – How can the “effect” of homeopathy be explained?"
FAQ 03 – Homeopathy is gentle and natural – why should it do any harm?
Continue reading "FAQ 03 – Homeopathy is gentle and natural – why should it do any harm?"
FAQ 02 – And what do you have against homeopathy?
Continue reading "FAQ 02 – And what do you have against homeopathy?"
FAQ 01 – What does “homeopathy” really mean?
Continue reading "FAQ 01 – What does “homeopathy” really mean?"